My Journey


My spiritual beginnings

My spiritual journey came to me in three waves. First, as a very young girl, then at age 15 and the third wave continues to this very moment as I continue to awaken to all of the spiritual gifts within me.

When I was in 6th grade, I watched a movie about the life of Ghandi. I remember crying and wishing the world would be more like him. I wanted to grow up to be just like him, I was called by his compassion for others. I call him my first Spiritual Guide and I carry his compassionate spirit in my heart daily.

I have always felt the Universe is filled with limitless possibilities. From a young age, I wanted to know what the Universe had in store for me and what my purpose was while walking through life on this planet. At the age of 15, I realized I had free will and the drive to find my own path to happiness. I chose to leave my home behind along with the support of my parents. When I left, my independent spirit and inner peace kicked in full force to drive me toward my Spiritual Path despite not having a clue where to begin. All I knew was my Soul yearned to become an author, nurture others and make a difference in the world for those suffering. There were many tears and days of being on my knees calling in my Angels as I survived the many challenges that came my way as a young woman on her own. I developed a sense of FAITH that everything always works out and there is no turning back once the Soul begins to call.

Overtime, I realized that I am not doing this All Alone and I never have to ask “Why me?” I know I have many spirit guides in my lineage and beyond. During my trials by fire as a young one, I began to feel them. My brother Tiger’s spirit is my greatest example of the importance of following my dreams and heart’s desires. My Grandfather, Al Mack, who was like a second father to me is always in my Spirit. My Grandmother Mosley, who prayed for me and our whole family every day, continues to support and celebrate me with her Energy. Angels always come to rescue me in the nick of time. I know that none of us are All Alone in doing our Spiritual Work.

I have also had blessed moments meeting my Modern-Day Gurus, they have crossed my path to share with me their Knowing Wisdom during my awakening to mySelf. In that first year on my own, I was guided to a chance meeting with Dr. Maya Angelou. Connecting with her that day, heart danced with pure joy and speaking with her sealed the deal for my spirit as confirmation that I was on the right path. Her words of wisdom to me were:

“Recognize a blessing and learn to step into it.”

Her words resonated deep within my Spirit. I heard her telling me to recognize myself. That I am the blessing and it was time for me to step into mySELF. This profound gift from such a powerful spiritual teacher set my spirit sailing.

In 2011, something shifted for me yet again and I began the 3rd wave of my spiritual journey. Each wave built upon the other, adding depth to my understanding of mySelf and life. I learned to breathe with purpose, to tap into my Spiritual Knowing and to be still. I felt my Pineal gland opening me to new awareness. I found myself remembering past lives and had the desire to rediscover the essence of who I truly was in this incarnation. Being aware of my Native Indian Choctaw blood on my father’s side, connecting to my ancestors became very important to me. I have always felt I had the best of both worlds being Black / Indian and I could feel and hear my ancestors say “We have paved the road of gold and it’s time for you to step into our footprints so that you can find your footprints.”

At that time, half the world thought the world was ending in 2012. For me, it was about living my greatest life now. I had a thirst to live a life of purpose, on purpose, in this lifetime—NOW. My spirit was reviving the feeling of all that it is in the power to just BE.

I rediscovered two of my Spiritual Gifts during 2011 that signaled my rebirth as mySelf. I participated in a Lakota Native Indian sweat lodge in which I was told to stop self-doubting and to walking in the Knowing of my compassionate heart. I was also initiated into the gift of the Akashic Records through a reading I had done at that time. I discovered that I am a Healer and am to be of service to others, as I had done my whole life in various roles and positions. It explained how I was able to intuitively nurture the sick and dying at 19 without any prior experience that would justify the honor of my clients’ trust. I was led to train as a Reiki Master and became certified in using my energy in a new way. It was all a part of mySelf becoming.

Through the experiences of my life, I came to know more deeply that we are all born with an Inner Knowing and that we are all rediscovering and remembering our Spiritual Path with the assistance of the Universe. Stepping into my Knowing allowed all spiritual doors to be flung wide open for me. I realized that my wishes really do come true when I discovered the door Within Me, the God Within Me and stepped into the Awakening Within Me—it has been an awakening to all possibilities.

I have learned to trust, with patience, the unfolding of all that IS. I am honored to be here at this moment in life, right NOW.

It is a gift to be of service to your Spirit as you awaken to your spiritual gifts and develop your spiritual tools to tap into all that is Within You.


My Spirit to your Spirit
